1 /**
  2  * Sound manager
  3  * @param {Function} callback
  4  * @constructor
  5  */
  6 function BB_Sound(callback) {
  7 	var self = this;
  8 	this.index = -1;
  9 	this.disabled = true;
 10 	this.sounds = BB_Sound.notes;
 11 	try {
 12 		this.callback = callback;
 13 		this.service = new Worker('worker.js');
 14 		this.service.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
 15 			self.finish(e.data);
 16 		});
 17 		this.create();
 18 	} catch (e) {
 19 		callback.call(this);
 20 	}
 21 }
 23 /**
 24  * Disable/Enable sounds
 25  * @returns {Boolean}
 26  */
 27 BB_Sound.prototype.disable = function() {
 28 	this.disabled = !this.disabled;
 29 	if (this.disabled) {
 30 		for (var i=0; i<this.sounds.length; i++) {
 31 			this.stop(i);
 32 		}
 33 	}
 34 	return this.disabled;
 35 };
 37 /**
 38  * Generate sound with the worker process
 39  */
 40 BB_Sound.prototype.create = function() {
 41 	if (++this.index < this.sounds.length) {
 42 		this.service.postMessage(this.sounds[this.index]);
 43 	} else {
 44 		this.service.terminate();
 45 	}
 46 };
 48 /**
 49  * Create audio tag
 50  * @param {String} data Base64 encoded WAV data
 51  */
 52 BB_Sound.prototype.finish = function(data) {
 53 	var sound = new Audio();
 54 	sound.preload = true;
 55 	sound.src = data;
 56 	sound.load();
 57 	this.sounds[this.index] = sound;
 58 	this.callback.call(this);
 59 	this.create();
 60 };
 62 /**
 63  * Play sound
 64  * @param {Number} index
 65  * @param {Number} volume
 66  * @param {Boolean} loop
 67  */
 68 BB_Sound.prototype.play = function(index, volume, loop) {
 69 	var sound = this.sounds[index];
 70 	if (!this.disabled && typeof sound == 'object') {
 71 		sound.volume = volume || 1;
 72 		sound.loop = loop || false;
 73 		if (sound.currentTime) {
 74 			sound.pause();
 75 			sound.currentTime = 0;
 76 		}
 77 		sound.play();
 78 	}
 79 };
 81 /**
 82  * Stop playing
 83  * @param {Number} index
 84  */
 85 BB_Sound.prototype.stop = function(index) {
 86 	var sound = this.sounds[index];
 87 	if (typeof sound == 'object') {
 88 		sound.pause();
 89 	}
 90 };
 92 /**
 93  * Sound notes
 94  * chanells separated by pipe
 95  * notes separated by comas
 96  * note format: 
 97  *  - the first number is the length 1/n
 98  *  - character and nmber pairs represents music note and octave
 99  */
100 BB_Sound.notes = [
101 //bounce
102 '||||16e3',
103 '||||16e3',
104 //coin
105 '||||32e5,32b5',
106 '||||32e5,32b5',
107 //sax
108 '1,4,' +
109 '1,4,' +
110 '1,4,' +
111 '2,4,8b4,8e5,8g5,8a5,' +
112 '8bb5,8b5,8bb5,8a5,4e5,4b4,4d5,' + 
113 '2e5,4,16gb5,16g5,16gb5,16e5,4d5,' +
114 '2e5,4,16d5,16e5,16d5,16b4,4a4,' +
115 '2b4,4,8b4,8e5,8g5,8a5,' +
116 '8bb5,8b5,8bb5,8a5,4e5,4b4,4d5,' + 
117 '2e5,4,16d5,16e5,16d5,16b4,4a4,' + 
118 '2b4,4,16gb5,16g5,16gb5,16e5,4d5,' +
119 '1e5,4,' +
120 '8e6,4g6,8e6,4c6,8a5,8b5,8c6,8db6,' +
121 '8d6,4gb6,8d6,4b5,8g5,8a5,8bb5,8b5,' +
122 '8c6,4e6,8c6,4a5,8gb5,8g5,8a5,8bb5,' +
123 '8b5,8bb5,8b5,8c6,4d6,8d6,8db6,8d6,8eb6,' +
124 '8e6,4g6,8e6,4c6,8a5,8b5,8c6,8db6,' +
125 '8d6,4gb6,8d6,4b5,8g5,8a5,8bb5,8b5,' +
126 '8c6,4e6,8c6,4a5,8gb5,8a5,8d6,8c6,' +
127 '2b5,4,8b4,8e5,8g5,8a5,' +
128 '8bb5,8b5,8bb5,8a5,4e5,4b4,4d5,' + 
129 '2e5,4,16gb5,16g5,16gb5,16e5,4d5,' +
130 '2e5,4,16d5,16e5,16d5,16b4,4a4,' +
131 '2b4,4,8b4,8e5,8g5,8a5,' +
132 '8bb5,8b5,8bb5,8a5,4e5,4b4,4d5,' + 
133 '2e5,4,16d5,16e5,16d5,16b4,4a4,' + 
134 '2b4,4,16gb5,16g5,16gb5,16e5,4d5,' +
135 '1e5,4|' +
136 //piano
137 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
138 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
139 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
140 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
141 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
142 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
143 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
144 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
145 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
146 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
147 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
148 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
149 '8c3,4g3b3e4,8e3,4e3,4gb3,4g3b3e4,' +
150 '8b2,4ab3a3d4,8d3,4d3,4e3,4gb3a3d4,' +
151 '8a2,4e3g3c4,8c3,4c3,4d3,4e3g3c4,' +
152 '8g2,4gb3b3d4,8g2,4g2,4b2,4gb3a3d4,' +
153 '8c3,4g3c4e4,8e3,4e3,4gb3,4g3c4e4,' +
154 '8b2,4ab3a3d4,8d3,4d3,4e3,4gb3a3d4,' +
155 '8a2,4e3g3c4,8c3,4c3,4d3,4e3g3c4,' +
156 '8gb2,4gb3a3e4,8gb2,4gb3a3e4,4b2,4gb3a3db4,' +
157 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
158 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
159 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
160 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
161 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
162 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
163 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4,' +
164 '8e2,4g3b3e4,8e2,4g3b3e4,4b3,4ab3a3d4|' +
165 //bass
166 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
167 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
168 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
169 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
170 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
171 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
172 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
173 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
174 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
175 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
176 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
177 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
178 '4c2,1,'+
179 '4b1,1,'+
180 '4a1,1,'+
181 '4b1,2,4g1,4b1,'+
182 '4c2,1,'+
183 '4b1,1,'+
184 '4a1,1,'+
185 '4gb1,2,4b1,4,'+
186 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
187 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
188 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
189 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
190 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
191 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
192 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1,' +
193 '2e2,4e2,4b2,4b1|' +
194 //drum
195 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
196 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
197 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
198 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
199 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
200 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
201 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
202 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
203 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
204 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
205 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
206 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
207 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
208 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
209 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
210 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
211 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
212 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
213 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
214 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
215 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
216 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
217 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
218 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
219 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
220 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
221 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4,' +
222 '4e6,8,8b8,4,8b8,8,4'];